
This is the PrimeDRE-BrainWeb community graph. Add yourself to the graph by signing in with GitHub, add your skills to take your place in the network graph.

The PrimeDRE community is part of the larger BrainWeb community and you can explore your connections within the wider network.


A permanent space for the primate neuroscience community to find collaborators, projects and start working together.

Over the last years, the non-human primate neuroimaging community has formed and built the Primate Data Exchange (PRIME-DE, Milham et al. 2018), 2020 as well as the Primate Resource exchange (PRIME-RE, Messinger et al. 2021) to share data, tools and experience. PrimeDRE-BrainWeb has been created to add a community component that allows to find collaborators and projects across labs.
The PrimeDRE-BrainWeb is part of the larger [BrainWeb]( and you can explore your connections in the larger network beyond primates.

Team of organizers

Michael Milham (CMI, USA)

Chris Klink (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Charles E Schroeder (Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, USA)

Made with love   ❤   BrainWeb   ❤   Please respect the PrimeDRE Code of Conduct.