Welcome to the PRIMatE Resource Exchange (PRIME-RE), a community-driven resource exchange platform for non-human primate neuroimaging. Read more about this initiative in the accompanying NeuroImage publication and please consider citing the paper if this resource has been useful.

The preprocessing and analysis of nonhuman primate (NHP) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data presents some unique challenges. Over the years, many laboratories and researchers have created their own custom solutions to many of these problems. PRIME-RE provides an overview of the main difficulties and curates a collection of solutions for specific processing steps that currently exist within the NHP-MRI community. This is a community effort, initiated by members of the PRIME-DE consortium. We strongly encourage you to contribute your workflows and pipelines.

In 2021, the consortium behind PRIME-DE (data) and PRIME-RE (resources) rebranded their initiative as PRIME-DRE, the Primate Data & Resource Exchange. In 2024, leadership of PRIME-DRE was restructured into a steering committee and senior advisory committee.

Open science

Our goal is to accelerate reproducible discovery, minimise redundant efforts and maximise efficiency by allowing the community to curate relevant resources, disseminate and encourage open science, and strengthen communication in the research community. We aim at making NHP resources open and FAIR, and support the adoption of the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) and code development best practices, such as version control, testing, and continuous integration.

How to contribute ?

Send new content by using this issue template. You can also join our communication channel on the Brainhack Community via PRIME-RE Mattermost-channel. If you want to discuss the Primate Data Exchange in general, join on PRIME-DE Mattermost-channel. Suggest a new feature or pitch an idea for the PRIME-RE platform here, ask a general question or start a discussion here, or check the open Issues and Discussions here.

Also check out the brand new PRIME-DRE Brainweb.


A wiki have been set up to share knowledge about NHP MRI acquisition and image processing. Anyone can share knowledge and experience (problems with solutions, fixes, tricks…) after requesting access.


The PRIME-RE collection of resources is organized in several categories. If you feel like something is missing or erroneously categorized, don’t hesitate to contact us. We make a disctinction between ‘Pipelines’ (custom written analysis solutions) and ‘Software packages’ (complete software solutions, many of which may appear in the pipelines)

Contact & Collaborate

This website is intended to be a meeting place for the NHP neuroimaging community. You can find some of the latest tools, methods, and data repositories here, but we hope you will also find international colleagues here, discover mutual interests and start new collaborations. Get in contact with people through the following communication channels: